This isn't actually my truck.
I'm a freelance writer, editor, and recipe developer who loves the challenge of writing about something new. There's a book in here somewhere, and one day I'll write it. Until then, you'll find me writing and blogging about family and parenting, food and cooking, books and movies, etiquette and entertaining, and the occasional travel brag or political opinion.
Recent Published work:
I can’t get down with the whole clothes rental thing, because I’m shaped funny and would always rather pull an old favorite from the closet than buy something new. (See also: I’m cheap.) But getting a perfectly sharpened chef’s knife in the mail every three months and returning the old one with a flick of the wrist and the provided box and tape? HEAVEN. This is everything I love about EVR Sharp. Cool Mom Eats, June 2019
The newest addition to Columbia’s restaurant offerings, the self-described “French(ish)” Black Rooster, is a darn good time, not to mention great food and beverages. I could only choose one dish for the Free Times Bite of the Week, but there were several contenders, and we’ll be back for sure. (Check out one of my other favorite dishes on Instagram.) Free Times, October 2019
If we’ve talked recently, you know I’ve become somewhat obsessed with golf, which I took up late last year. And I’m not good! But this is what I love about it, and also why you should start (and how it’s not as expensive or difficult as you thought). Wilmington Magazine/Columbia Living, July 2019
I love soup, so picking just five was tough, but these are solid. Along with fellow Free Times food writers Bach Pham (mac and cheese), Cam Powell (tortas), Mike Dojc (breakfast sandwiches), April Blake (hummus plates), and Tug Baker (hash and rice), I shared my five favorites around Columbia, South Carolina. Loved writing mine, love exploring theirs! Free Times, September 2019
Usually the Bite of the Week is from a locally owned place, but there are nationally owned businesses that get it right. Publix fried chicken is oh-so-right and there are plenty of local chefs out there who agree. Free Times, July 2019
When life gives you spoiled milk…make ricotta. This is one of my favorite ways not to waste milk that’s gone slightly off, because it’s easy and leads to delicious lasagne. Good Life Blog, June 2019
What do I do?
I live and work in South Carolina, and travel with relish (and often a jar of Duke's mayonnaise). I have a solid bank of frequent flyer miles, but can always use more. I cook my feelings so everyone can eat them, then write about it. I write about parenting, though my parenting skills are dubious. I offer loads of etiquette advice, and swear and talk too loud at parties. I love talking about healthy eating, and eating potato chips and dip in bed. Also, cheese fries. I have an M.S.W. that I mostly use to torment my children when they're in trouble by having a long, boring conversation about why they made a misguided choice instead of grounding them.
Well, I'd love to say spring is here – and it was, for a second – but it's cold and wet and miserable so I'm still feeling comfort food. And honestly, warm weather doesn't make that craving go away, which is why I came home and made faro risotto a few weeks ago on a warm day. But I'm still mad about the weather, mainly because it's satisfying to be annoyed by something I can't change that really isn't the worst thing. And I am so craving humidity because at my age, my skin is desperate for it. But I digress.
Or is it fillo? Maybe phyllo. Filo? Maybe fyllo? Whatever. You know what I'm talking about – that flaky pastry you use when you want to add more butter to your diet. The other night I needed to make some appetizers and I didn't want to go to the store, so I pillaged the freezer. And the pantry and the fridge. I found mushrooms, cheese, some shallots and stuff, and a frozen box of filo dough. I couldn't remember why I had bought it because I hate things that are difficult, including phyllo, which is even difficult to spell. (One day, when I write an actual book, I'll pick a spelling, but until then, enjoy the variety!)
This soup is a riff on a recipe from Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop. A few of my recipes are wholly original. Most of them are the result of a vague idea and me looking at a bunch of recipes before I come up with my own. I might make them a little fattier or saltier, or a little less. Or maybe I add bacon, or substitute mushrooms for the existing bacon. Sometimes I add sugar where there was none, or salt. But I always skip a few steps, because I'm lazy and hate washing extra dishes. If you were looking for authentic miso soup, this is definitely not it. But it's soup with miso. So.
“Graceful Vacation Day Drinking” is how Southern Living describes my non-patented method for enjoying a cocktail (or several) on vacation without cutting your day short. They included that method as one of 50 Reasons to Love Summer in the South, and I agree! Southern Living, June 2019